Posts in Families
Welcome baby James

A few days before baby James' scheduled arrival, our dear friends Jen and Joda invited us over to their new home to share a meal together.  We're talking 3 days before the scheduled due date of this baby.  This is the kind of warmth and generosity that this couple shares with everyone they call friends and Brandon and I are so blessed to be among them!  Here are a few pre-baby photos from our day of feasting with them.

Not long after the arrival of baby James, I got to spend another day with this sweet little family.  I can't express how incredibly lucky I feel when what I do translates into amazing people inviting me into their lives to capture such special and intimate moments.  Here is a glimpse of Jen and Joda's life at home as proud new parents to a very lucky and beautiful babe.  Congrats you two on your beautiful new family!

xo, mel


Don't you love the personalized wall decal above James' change table created by the talented Lillian Chan?